Why The Project Panning Community is the Best on IG

I mentioned in my past post that this thing called Project Pan was a solution to my ever-growing makeup collection and desire to become more mindful of my future makeup purchases.

A few years back, I stumbled on a project panner's post. Not sure how I got there, but I found my way to someone who was posting an update on her project. I always thought the only makeup community on Instagram were the ones who had millions and millions of followers, did makeup full-time, or made me feel like absolute garbage (yes I know so many people use filters, but try telling your brain that when you're having a rough day). 

 Let's dive in to what Project Pan actually means and why this community is the bees knees. 

Project Pan is essentially a fun exercise — the goal is to use your makeup to the point where you see the metal pan at the bottom of the product.

A bitty pan still counts!

It's a fun way to track the progress in a makeup item while encouraging usage and creativity. Trust me, you try using the same lipstick for months without finding new ways to use it (hint: it makes a great cream blush too!). 

It's also a great way to start actually USING the products in your collection. There aren't any rules, but some panners have come up with super fun projects that you can join if you want some inspiration.

The best part about joining a project? You get instantly welcomed into a lovely, supportive, and friendly community who cheer you on as you attempt to pan that DAMN MATTE EYESHADOW (looking at you, Colourpop).

Here are just a few of my favorites Project Pans:


I knew I needed to start using up my blush (I found cream blush in the pandemic and then that became its own disease). Not only because I had accumulated so many, but cream products expire faster! Through the Instagram community, I found #makeyourblushvanish, which meant selecting 4 blushes and using them each 15x. Then do it as many times as you'd like! 

I try to include my Meowdel as much as possible for the clicks.

From whence my obsession came.


Lipsticks were my original issue here, so I obviously had to find a lippie project pan. Enter: the #10by10Pan. With this one, I selected 10 lipsticks and had to use them each 10 times before selecting the next round.


And finally, I saved my favorite panning project for last: #projectpanpals. 

With this project, you are randomly paired with another project panner for two months. You send your partner photos of products you want to work through over the next 60 days and they select 5. Then, they choose the goals for you (I love when someone else can make a decision for me for once!)

Aside from changing focus products every few months—which keeps things interesting— I’ve gained lovely friends from this project.

You get to know more about each other from the makeup they love to use. You truly care about this other person’s progress and you get STOKED when they see that sweet sweet metal pan.

Not only are projects a great way to rediscover what you already own, but it gives you a better idea of what you actually like — I've learned so much about the textures, undertones, and formulas that I prefer from simply devoting enough time to a specific product. This helps me move forward with a stronger idea of my preferences and how I want to spend my money.

Project Panning has created such a lovely space online for people who can appreciate makeup, share their thoughts and opinions in a safe environment (we don’t judge!), and encourage each other to use what they have…while maybe seeing if that new Makeup by Mario blush would be a good fit in their collection.

Are you struggling with getting some use out of your makeup collection? No shame! Come join us over on Instagram and get creative with how you use your products. Plus, you get to make a few new friends in the process.


Summer Selects: Cream Blush Edition


Summer Selects: Powder Blush Edition